Friday, October 24, 2008
Leslie Lockhart

Leslie Lockhart, UFirst Independent Agent
Through an innovative program called the Money Merge Account system, homeowners across the nation are paying off their  mortgages in as little as 1/2 to 1/3 the time. Become one of the thousands of United First Financial clients paying off a home mortgage quickly without increasing monthly mortgage payments, and with little to no lifestyle changes. Request a free Money Merge Account Analysis Report from me today.

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Introducing the Money Merge Account system, a powerful tool to help you fulfill your dream of home ownership and save money for your future. The average Money Merge Account customer will pay their mortgage off 100%, in as little as 1/2 to 1/3 the time, with little to no change to their day-to-day spending habits and without increasing their monthly mortgage payments.

Why I Chose UFirst
I purchased my home two years ago. I remember seeing a long list that detailed my mortgage future over the next 30 years. I thought to myself right then "Oh No! What can I do to change this?"

When I saw the UFirst presentation and I went straight home and pulled out the payment schedule. I agreed to pay over $213k in interest on my home. The next day had a Ufirst Financial Analysis done by my agent. She showed me my new financial forecast, which saved me over $150k in interest and it would only take me 10 years to pay off my home plus some other added debts in full.

Now I can see myself saving for my retirement, sending my son to school and maybe saving enough money for him to get his first home. The future looks more promising and happy for us even in this horrible economy.

All I can do is urge everyone with a mortgage to give this program consideration. So ask yourself; "What could I do with $150,000 Dollars?" I know, I will know in 10 years, Hopefully you will too. Don't look to ask me in 10 years, I'll probably will be on vacation...

Email Leslie Lockhart

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